Thursday, February 2, 2023

First impressions from Kieran Lobo

 It's been a month since I started working as an auxiliar at IES Itaca. My initial impressions of the school have been generally positive — all teachers and have been welcoming and have made it a point to introduce themselves to me. 

I currently assist the English, History & Geography, and Physical Education classes. I have the freedom to design some aspects of the curriculum and implement my own ideas. The teachers make sure I interact well with the students, as they realize the importance of the kids listening and learning from a native speaker. The bilingual coordinator has also been very helpful with all the administrative work. 

The students — especially 1º eso and 2º eso — were quite excited by the new auxiliar and always try to have a conversation with me. I particularly enjoy the English classes, as I have the most freedom to decide what the students do and can implement a variety of activities.